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Jaynes Research Group

Electron, Ion, Proton Sensors and Instrumentation for Space (ELIPSIS) Lab


LAMP Rocket Launch is a Go!

LAMP Rocket Launch is a Go!

February 2022: Prof. Allison Jaynes and Ph.D. candidate Riley Troyer head to Fairbanks, Alaska for the Loss Through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP) rocket mission. The mission will investigate how pulsating aurora are formed and is set to launch sometime between February 24th and March 10th. To learn more: https://lamp-mission.sites.uiowa.edu

Prof. Jaynes selected to serve on HPAC

October 2021: Congratulations to Professor Jaynes for being selected as a new member of the Heliophysics Advisory Committee which serves to advise NASA Headquarters on programmatic policies and priorities related to Heliophysics. She will serve for a term of three years, ending September 2024.

Dr. Rachael Filwett receives a NASA Living With a Star Research Grant

May 2021: Postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Rachael Filwett is awarded a NASA Living With a Star Focused Science Topic grant entitled "Suprathermal Property Scaling and Acceleration Processes from the Near-Sun Environment to 1AU". The grant totals ~$900k for 4 years. The research will analyze how the solar wind evolves as it moves from the Sun toward Earth.

Prof. Allison Jaynes receives Postdoctoral Mentor Award

May 2021: Professor Allison Jaynes received the 2021 University of Iowa Postdoctoral Association (UIPDA) Mentor Award, given in recognition of her excellent mentorship.

Jayasri Joseph receives Goertz/Nicholson Memorial Scholarship

April 2021: Graduate researcher, Jayasri Joseph receives the 2021 Goertz/Nicholson Memorial Scholarship, awarded by the University of Iowa Department of Physics & Astronomy.

Riley Troyer Awarded AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award

February 2021: Graduate researcher, Riley Troyer, receives an Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) for his 2020 AGU poster titled "A Statistical Study of Pulsating Aurora and its Impact on M-I Coupling.

Riley Troyer Publishes First Paper

February 2021: Graduate researcher, Riley Troyer, published his first paper as a first author. The paper investigates an interesting and unusual feature called a diffuse auroral eraser.

Jaya Joseph and Kawther Rouabhi Highlighted in Dare to Discover Campaign

November 2020: Two researchers in the Jaynes group, Jaya Joseph and Kawther Rouabhi, were highlighted as part of UIowa's Dare to Discover campaign on campus research (https://dare.research.uiowa.edu/)

Riley Troyer Wins NASA FINESST Fellowship

July 2020: Congratulations to Riley Troyer for winning a NASA FINESST graduate student fellowship! This award will support Riley's graduate work for up to the next three years on a study of the drivers and energy range of pulsating aurora which is critical to understanding magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling overall. He will collaborating with a NASA mentor at Goddard Space Flight Center, Dr. Sarah Jones. https://tinyurl.com/y4s6ma37

Dr. Rachel Filwett Wins NSF Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

July 2020: Congratulations to Rachael Filwett on winning an NSF Post-doctoral Research Fellowship! She is fully supported for two years to study the access of SEP events to the inner magnetosphere. She will be conducting research at the University of Iowa, and in collaboration with Brian Kress at CIRES in Colorado. https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=12779

New Paper on Solar Energetic Particles

May 2020: Rachael Filwett, a post-doctoral researcher in the group, has a new paper accepted in JGR - Space Physics on the radial profiles of energetic SEP events as they access the inner magnetosphere.

A copy of the paper can be found here.

LAMP Sounding Rocket Update

December 2019: Dr. Jaynes, graduate student Riley Troyer, and the LAMP sounding rocket team traveled to Fairbanks, Alaska to calibrate and test ground equipment for the upcoming launch in December 2020. We are assured a successful launch due to the lucky banana (decreed so by our Japanese colleagues)! Notice in the picture: PI Sarah Jones and Co-I Kazushi Asamura each holding one half of the auspicious banana. Go LAMP!

GDC Final Report

October 2019: The final report from the Geospace Dynamics Constellation (GDC) Science and Technology Definition Team (STDT) was presented to HPAC and released for public viewing. Dr. Allison Jaynes served as Co-Chair of the STDT. We look forward to the implementation of this exciting mission!

The final report is available here.

Joshua Doucette wins ISG Research Fellowship!

September 2019: Joshua Doucette, undergraduate researcher in the Jaynes research group, was awarded an Iowa Space Grant Research Fellowship for the academic year 2019-2020. Joshua's winning proposal is entitled "Identifying Cases of Radial Diffusion Driven Acceleration in Earth’s High-Energy Radiation Belts".

A copy of the proposal can be found here.

Diversity in Scientific Award Nominations

Prof. Jaynes and co-authors wrote a paper on methods of increasing diversity in nominations for scientific awards based on the experiences of a task force formed at AGU. The paper details means by which the STEM community can help combat implicit bias and the invisible burden borne by traditionlly marginalized groups in science through increased recognition.

A copy of the paper can be found here.

Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Explorer 1 Launch

Explorer 1 celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, having been launched on January 31st, 1958. Professor Allison Jaynes was invited to give a presentation at the National Academies of Sciences in DC in honor of the 60th anniversary of the launch of the first US satellite, Explorer I. She gave a talk on the future of cutting edge radiation belt research.

A video of the talk can be found here.

Additonally, a flyer for the event can be found here.

Contact Information

    Email : allison-n-jaynes

    Domain : uiowa.edu

    Location : Van Allen Hall, University of Iowa

    Office : 404

    Phone : (319) - 335 - 3799

    Mailing Address :

    Van Allen Hall

    225-291 East Jefferson Street

    Iowa City, IA 52245